It is located to the east of the Marmara Sea, on the western foothills of the Mount Olympos/Uludag rising above the plain of the same name behind the Mudanya Bay, The history of the area dates back to the prehistoric ages as parallel to the sacred character of the Mount Olympos. Aesclepiades. the eminent physician who lived in the 2nd century B.C., is the most famous Purassan of the antiquity, The area which, after the Scythian and Etruscan tribes, came under the rule of the Hittite Anatolian League, was later taken by Phrygians, Lydians, Persians,Macedonians and Bithynians. Commensurate with the functionality of the Zeus Temple and Sanctuary presumably built on the Mount Olympos during the Bithynian era, the first settlement was established on the western foothills of the Mount, at the place today called Hisar (Castle), under the name Purassa, meaning "Castle by the Water Spring". In the course of time this name changed into Bursa. In 186 B.C the famous Carthaginian Commander Hannibal took refuge in Purassa. In 73 B.C. even though Bithynians recognized the domination of Pontus instead of Rome, they were added to the Roman lands later on. During the Byzantine era the city was renowned for its water with curative powers and hammams, spas and palaces were built there. The city was exposed to the Arab raids in the 7th century and subsequently seized by Kutanmisoglu Suleyman and was subjected again to Byzantium by Afexios Konnenos. Bursa which was captured by the Ottoman Turks in 1326 was made the capital of the Ottoman state. The foremost among the historical remains in Purassa is the Castie of Bursa built by Bithynians surrounded with cliffs on three sides to which a Sultanate gate was further added in the east by the Ottomans. The Tekfur Palace which had been previously constructed within the Castle was restored by the Ottomans and named the Bursa Palace. The Balabancik Castle located to the east of the city was an old Byzantine Fortress restored by Osman Gazi. Furthermore, the Turkish Greek Episcopal Palace and Church dating from the Byzantine era. now in ruins, as well as the remains of an Armenian Church are visible. Ulu Cami (Great Mosque) with two minarets is the most prominent Ottoman work visible in the city center The walls of the mosque, buift by Yildmm Beyaztt in 1400, are made of dressed stone and with 20 cupolas. The mimber (pulpit) of the mosque was made of ebony tree without the use of any nail. Today nearby the mosque is a marketplace where authentic handicrafts and products made in Bursa are sold. Yes.il Cami (Green Mosque) and adjacent complex of buildings built in 1419 is a unique work of art with its marble stones and green majolica as the finest examples of the art of calligraphy. Yesjl Turbe (Green Mausoleum), beside the mosque, has a pointed arch and is embellished with green majolica.
 It houses the tombs of Qelebi Mehmet and his family. Lying in ruins are Yes.il Han {Green Inn), Yes.il Imaret (Green Soup Kitchen) and Yesil Hamam (Green Hammam). Within the Complex of Buildings, Yes.il Medrese (Green Medrese), which consists of a large classroom with high walls, two small lateral rooms and 13 cubicles, serves today as the museum of ancient works of art. The Bursa Archeological Museum is situated within the Culture Park. Displayed in its four main halls are archeological and ethnographic works of art recovered in the area. The other Ottoman works in the city are the octagonal Qelebi Mehmet Turbe, the symbol of Bursa, embellished with tiles at the top, Orhan Gazi Mosque, Murat Mosque including a medrese, Emir Sultan Mosque with sexpartite dome, Muradiye Mosque and Muradiye Turbes and the Covered Bazaar, Hamza Bey Mosque and Timurtas. Mosque. The spas of Bursa are highly renowned since the antiquity. Spa hot baths were built there during various periods, primarily the Roman. During the Turkish era some of them were restored, while new baths were being built. The oldest bath in Bursa was built in the Byzantine era and restored by Turks. The old spa is the largest bathhouse in Bursa. The section of frigidarium was added in 1511. Inside of the bathhouse there is a small pool with bathing places around it. The new spa was bujjt-by Rustem Pasha in 1552. It contains three sections, In the center of the caldarium there is a pool. The architectural structure of the interiors of the bathhouse is shaped like an octagonal star. Thanks to its ancient spas, touristic thermal hotels, woven and textile products, silk, and ski and recreational facilities on Uludag and along with Qekirge, Bursa is today one of the most important cities in Turkey. Uludag, which was called Olympos in antiquity, is a touristic recreational and ski center today. The mount, having an altitude of 2500 metres, is formed of granite, schist and marble and covered with dense forests. One climbs from within the city up the ski center on a cable-car. There are 13 courses, 8 telesieges and 7 teleskis at the ski center in Uludag. The activities included are Alp and north disciplines and ski practices with helicopter and snowboarding, big foot, ice-skating, snow-motorcycling. Both domestic and foreign tourism is served during summer- and wintertimes through -the touristic accommodation facilities and restaurants. Uludag is ideal also for trekking and hiking tours.
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